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English Learner Instructional Policy

CWCS English Learner Department Policy

Together EL's Achieve More

Please refer here for the full English Learner Policy. 

With the purpose in mind of advancing our English Learner students and providing the supports to help them be competitive with their “Never EL Peers”,  we will continue the implementation of the EL program, refining it to include more rigorous ELD in math and ELA. 

The California Department of Education has set forth goals for all EL students. Those goals are to:

  • Ensure that English Learners acquire full proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible and attain parity with native speakers of English.

  • Ensure that English Learners, within a reasonable period of time, achieve the same rigorous grade-level academic standards that are expected of all students.

In addition, Connecting Waters Charter Schools are accountable to meet goals as set forth by our LEA and LCAP Plans. Our Mission at Connecting Waters Charter Schools states that we are a collaborative educational community promoting academic excellence in preparing students for college and career while providing individualized public education through challenging, unique, and varied learning. To this extent, the policies set forth for our English Learner students are established to meet our goals and fulfill our mission with integrity, purpose, and excellence. Below are the following expectations for all English Learner students enrolled in Connecting Waters Charter Schools.


Minimum Level of Support:


K-12 Grade

  • All K-12th grade EL students must enroll in a 2 days per week school provided grade-level ELA Course and a grade-level school provided math course (if the school provides one) until the student passes Algebra 1. 

  • All K-12th Grade EL Students must follow RTI Policy for both Math and ELA.

  • All K-2nd grade students will use iReady in math for a minimum of 45 minutes per week to meet their designated ELD support. 

  • All K-12th grade EL students will enroll in their grade level Designated Support English Class (titled ELD English). Designated English Language Development is a legal requirement that this course provides.  These Designated Support Classes provide designated time during the school day to provide scaffolding and support in students’ core assignments.   

  • All LTEL (Long Term English Learners) students will be enrolled in their LTEL Support class.  This class meets for 45 minutes, twice per week and uses the iLit Curriculum.  

  • Attending any other classes in the community will not excuse students from completing requirements above per school policy.

  • All students are required to take the ELPAC annually.


  • We strongly recommend the Learn to Read Together classes for all parents of beginning readers.  

  • Due to strict credentialing requirements for TK Students, each TK student will work with their ES via AESS on Designated ELD. (ES will work with the EL Coordinator on an individualized program.)    


  • The ES can have their family work consistently in ABC Mouse (15 minutes per day) and in a standards aligned curriculum.  

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