Thank you all for your continued positive participation in the annual CAASPP Standardized Testing. Students who took the CAASPP Practice and Training tests throughout the year showed little stress while testing; they knew the tools to expect and how to use them, as well as being familiar with the general test content. Also, it was noticed, students' keyboarding skills were much improved this year, contributing to a more positive experience. Thanks again, parents, for your devoted attention to your student's education.
The Assessment Department
Summer is almost here! While you are sitting poolside with your children, why note soak up some reading with your rays? I've added some websites below that may be of interest to you and your students to help with skill building over the summer.
Spotlight on Curriculum:
If you have an incoming Transitional Kindergartener, please check out the following FREE resources for academic support to get started over the summer:
Learning Games
Check out these great websites to use over the summer with your students to keep up reading skills and to practice math fact mastery!
Time for Kids
TIME For Kids is a weekly classroom news magazine that motivates kids to read! Issues cover a wide range of real-world topics kids love to learn about. A powerful teaching tool, TIME For Kids builds reading and writing skills and is easily integrated across your curriculum, including social studies, science, and math. (K-6)
Pete's Power Point Station
Free presentations in PowerPoint format and free interactive activities for kids
Khan Academy
Provides a multitude of free online mathematics and science resources.
Sumdog's free educational games motivate your students to practice math, reading and writing - while you have full control over what they learn.
Math Playground
Math Playground is a popular learning site filled with math games, logic puzzles, step-by-step instructional videos, math practice, and a variety of problem solving activities. Math Playground provides a safe place for kids to learn and explore math concepts online at their own pace.
Freerice is a non-profit website that has two goals: Provide education to everyone for free; and help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free. Your student can practice in 8 subject areas, including foreign language!
XtraMath is a nonprofit organization dedicated to math achievement for all, offering FREE effective, efficient, adaptive, and intrinsically rewarding supplemental math activities.
It has truly been a pleasure working with so many of you. Please do not hesitate to contact me as you are planning for the upcoming year. I will be available in the summer through June, and back in the office on August 1st. I can be reached at 1.800.808.9895 x252 or at [email protected]. Have a safe and relaxing summer!
Save the Date: Back to School Training
For CWCS Parents and Education Specialists
Offered by: Connecting Waters Charter Schools
Organizational tips, Website navigation, Curriculum, CAASPP tips/tricks, and more! We hope to have a Vendor and Community College showcase as well!
DATE: Monday, August 26, 2019
TIME: 9:00 am to 1:30 pm
LOCATION: Connecting Waters Charter School East Bay Gym
703 C Street, Union City, CA 94587
DATE: Friday, September 6, 2019
TIME: 9:00 am to 11:00 am
LOCATION: To be determined (Modesto Area)
Join us for this parent training to kick off the new-year. Materials and light refreshments will be provided. Mark your calendar now! More details to follow.
CONTACTS: Shoni Johnson, Curriculum & Assessment Director [email protected]; & Bev Harris, Parent Support [email protected]
By Teresa Matranga
We have come to the end of another school year! A-g finals for students in our Moodle classes will occur on Tuesday, May 14, from 12:30 to 2:30 at various locations. Last semester grades nine and 10 took a proctored final. This semester grades 11 and 12 (only) will take proctored finals, and grades nine and 10 will complete a project assigned by their Moodle teacher or portfolio review EE. Ask your ES for accurate information about your students' English final.
The English Department teachers enjoyed working with their students this year, and we all hope everyone considers enrolling in other Moodle English classes in the fall. Thank you for your continued support of our online courses.
Reminder: Each year Connecting Waters holds a spelling bee in October. This year we were excited to also host a spelling bee for Connecting Waters Central Valley, and next year we will be working to sponsor a spelling bee in Alameda County. Please encourage your elementary students in grades 4 - 6 and your junior high students in grades 7 - 8 to participate in this competitive school event! No experience needed.
For more information email, [email protected].
Guidance Department Staff
We are available in person by phone or online; to schedule an appointment call 209-874-1119 or email [email protected]
11th grade students…UC Eligibility in the Local Context Program
Connecting Waters participates in University of California's Eligibility in the Local Context program for 11th grade students. To find out if your student will qualify for participation, see UC ELC Information students with an academically rigorous course load will be considered; criteria for consideration include: a-g course pattern completion (11 a-g courses completed by end of Junior year), a combination of Community College and a-g courses, 11th graders who have general courses but have completed at least geometry will be considered, students with above average SAT and/or ACT scores will be considered (latest exam date for Juniors to be considered is SAT-May, ACT-April and CW students must use CW School Code 053706 when registering, CWEB students must use the CWEB School Code 050352 when registering ). For CWCV students our plan is to register CWCV for this program after we become WASC accredited and have a full list of UC approved a-g courses. The goal is to begin with the CWCV Class of 2020.
College and Career Resources
Looking for resources? Visit the Guidance website at then High School then High School Guidance. You will find the High School Catalog, Career Resources, Scholarship and Grant information, Grad Requirements information, and more!!!!
Looking for the right career or college? Try these websites: California Colleges , CA Career Zone; Federal Student Aid ; College Board Big Future
Free Online Virtual College Fairs at College Week Live
Spring College Fairs registration: WACAC College Fairs
Dominican University of California - Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
West Valley College - Thursday, May 2, 2019, 10:00 - noon and 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Cal State East Bay - Friday, May 3, 2019, 10:00 - noon
Saint Mary's College of California - Saturday, May 4, 2019, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
How can a student earn a 4.25 GPA? Here's an explanation of our “weighted GPA” policy
Students who take UC Approved Advanced Placement (AP) courses or UC transferable courses (that meet a-g requirements) at Community College courses will earn “Honors” credit on their GPA. Grades earned in AP courses or UC approved Community College courses will earn 5.00 GPA points for an A, 4.00 GPA points for a B, and 3.00 GPA points for a C (D's and F's do not qualify for “Honors” credit). Connecting Waters offers AP English Language/Composition and AP English Literature/Composition. UC approved online vendors and AP courses can be found at, then Departments, then Guidance. Questions? Contact Guidance at [email protected]
2018-19 Spring SAT and ACT - College Entrance Exam Dates
Test Date
Registration Deadline
Late Registration Deadline
SAT or SAT with Essay and Subject Tests
May 4
April 5
April 24
SAT or SAT with Essay and Subject Tests
June 1
May 3
May 22
ACT (with optional writing)
June 8
May 3
May 20
ACT (with optional writing)
July 13
June 14
June 24
ACT Fees - Basic Registration Fee $46 (with optional writing $62.50)
SAT Fees - SAT with writing $64.50, SAT $47.50; SAT Subject Tests are $26 for basic registration plus $22 per subject (Language tests with listening are $26)
Note: test dates and fees subject to change
To Register: SAT - SAT Registration ACT - ACT Registration
Important: Make sure to list your school!
Connecting Waters School Code: 053706
Connecting Waters Charter - East Bay School Code: 050352
Connecting Waters Charter - Central Valley School Code: 053963
Note: test results are posted onto high school transcripts
Resources for Studying and Test Prep:
ACT Test prep
Official SAT Practice