Curriculum News
Our Student Learning Objectives (SLO's), formerly Known as ESLR's (Expected Schoolwide
Learning Results), state that all students will be effective communicators in reading and writing, technologically and socially skilled inpiduals, historically aware, and science and mathematical thinkers. This is the perfect foundation to help prepare our students not only to be life-long learners, but to move towards proficiency on state exams. We encourage you to work with your ES on understanding how you can effectively support your student's growth in our SLOs. Additionally, you are welcome to give me a call or send me an email, and we can discuss curriculum options that can help you supplement what you are already doing at home.
During this holiday season we want to make sure you know we recognize all the hard work that each and every one of you put forth to help educate your child.
Our ESs are also working hard to help support you in your endeavors of ensuring every one of our students graduates ready for career or college and life beyond high school. This effort begins from the very moment you join the Connecting Waters family. Here are some statistics we want our parents and students to be aware of regarding the importance of education.
Throughout most of the 20th century, a student could withdraw from high school and still have access to the middle class. In 1970, 74 percent of the middle class was composed of high school graduates and dropouts. By 2007, the middle class was composed of 31 percent high school graduates and only 8 percent dropouts (Carnevale, Smith, & Strohl, 2010). Furthermore, many high school graduates seem unprepared for the rigors of higher education. More than one-third of students entering college require remedial courses (Strong American Schools, 2008), and 34 percent drop out of college by the end of their first year (ACT, 2013). Only 36 percent of students who enter a public college have earned a degree within five years (ACT, 2013). These statistics are alarming because men and women who are not prepared to continue learning beyond high school will be increasingly left behind in the American economy (Carnevale et al., 2010). (DuFour, 2016)
Talk to your ES or contact me about ways we can support you and your student to increase rigor in your program, to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, and to ensure your student is prepared for life after high school. It's never too early to begin thinking about the future!
Prodigy Math: Free curriculum-aligned math game for Grades 1 - 8 offers a fun and engaging way for your students to practice their math skills!
If you have any questions regarding curriculum, please feel free to contact me via
phone or e-mail at any time. You can reach me at [email protected] or call me at 209-874-1119 x252.
Out Door Science Mount Herman

Outdoor Science School: CWCS 5th and 6th graders will again attend Mount Hermon Outdoor Science School in the Santa Cruz Mountains. We will be attending the week of January 28-February 1, 2019. Cost will be $285 and will come from 2nd semester student funding. This activity is not open to non-CWCS students. Parents are responsible for getting their students to and from camp and may not attend camp with their students. For more information about the camp, go to Out Door Science. (When viewing the site, note that we are NOT attending "homeschool camp").
A CWCS ES will accompany the students. Counselors will be CWCS 11th and 12th grade students. Recommendations for counselors must come through their ES.
Have your ES sign up your 5-6th grade student in the second semester Camp GEA no later than January 11, 2019.
Parents fill out the MH Camp Survey. Then go to Out Door Science and click on Parent/Student Manual to access the required forms. You must have Acrobat Reader to open it. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded free at www.adobe.com
Parents will mail ALL forms, to be received by January 11, 2019, directly to ES Cathy Moretto, 772 Cypress Street, Manteca, CA 95336. Please do not send forms to a Learning Center or Office.
Required forms include:
- Outdoor Science Student Contract
- Prescription Med Form (only if needed)
- ALL THREE SIDES of Health Emergency Form
- Parent/Guardian Waiver Form
- Copy of BOTH SIDES of Medical Insurance Card
- CWCS General Educational Activity (GEA) Permission Slip from the forms page of our websites at for CW students, for CWCV students, or for CWEB students.
Questions? Contact ES Cathy Moretto at [email protected]

Assessment News
A-GCourse Finals:
Please contact your ES for specific information on your student's A-G Final location/times.
The test site dates are Tues, December 11 and/or December 13, depending on the course subject.
CAASPP Testing:
Your ES will provide you with your student's test site date and location. Students are assigned to test sites based upon which school they are enrolled in as well as their resident address. Please communicate with your ES regarding changes needed so we can reassign your student if needed.
Webpage for info on our CAASPP testing.
Please remember to work throughout the year with your student with the online Practice and Training Tests found on the caaspp.org website.
Monthly Moby Max CAASPP Preparation Contests
There are monthly contests set up in Moby Max for all TK-8th grade students! The contests are designed to help our students prepare for the upcoming CAASPP testing in the spring. Login and work daily for 15 minutes in each subject to earn time toward Moby Max prizes! Earn points today login to Moby Max. Use your student's districtID#cwcs as the username, and the student's districtID# as the password. Be sure to login on the "As a Student" section. For parents interested in having more control in the program like a teacher, please use the Moby Max Parent-Teacher Account Enrollment Form to obtain a parent-teacher account. If you are newly enrolled with our school and do not have a Moby Max account, please notify your ES and he/she will get your student enrolled! All account are complimentary as they are subsidized by our LCAP funding.
Connecting Waters Charter Schools, would like to Congratulate Elizabeth Wixom in being selected as one of the American Heritage Scholarship Program Winners through the Stanislaus County Office of Education! She was 1 of 19 winners out of 300 graded entries.
Congratulations Elizabeth!!

Guidance Department Staff
High School Students! Exciting news!
Connecting Waters Charter Schools is offering a COLLEGE CLASS this Spring!
Earn college credit at Connecting Waters!
You can now get started on earning College Credits and meet the Education and Career Planning requirement for Graduation from CWCS!
Our very own Mrs Melissa Cripe is teaching Guidance 18 (section 3738) at Columbia College. This class is online and is not at a specific time. You simply log in to the class each week and do the assignments. The class is worth 3 college units and 10 high school credits. It's also FREE to CWCS High School Students.
The class starts January 28 and ends May 4 but you need to start registration NOW.
- Columbia College Registration
- click Apply.
- After applying, email, Mrs. Cripe, [email protected] and she will help you get registered for the class.
Important Information for Senior- Class of 2019
Important Dates to Remember!
December- Last month for most colleges to take SAT(www.collegeboard.org) or ACT(www.actstudent.org) for UC or CSU entrance in Fall 2019. Make sure to use our school code.
CW Students use: 053706
CWEB Students use: 050352
CWCV Students use: 053969
March- California deadline to file FAFSA(www.fafsa.ed.gov)
Students…Financial Aid and Scholarships:
FAFSA(www.fafsa.ed.gov) application period is January 1 through March 2. Remember, Financial Aid is available for community college and some vocational schools as well as universities!
Financial Aid Workshop Online- November Meeting
Check our scholarship page at:
Connecting Waters, then "Student," then College and Career," then "Guidance Counseling," then "Scholarship Information."
11th grade students…UC Eligibility in the Local Context Program
Connecting Waters participates in University of California's Eligibility in the Local Context program for 11th grade students. To find out if your student will qualify for participation, see eligible students with an academically rigorous course load will be considered. Criteria for consideration include: a-g course pattern completion (11 a-g courses completed by end of Junior year), a combination of Community College and a-g courses. 11th graders who have general courses but have completed at least geometry will be considered; students with above average SAT and/or ACT scores will be considered (latest exam date for Juniors to be considered is SAT-May, ACT-April, and CW students must use CW School Code 053706 when registering; CWEB students must use the CWEB School Code 050352 when registering, CWCV students must use the CWCV School Code 053963 when registering). For CWEB students, our plan is to register CWEB for this program after we become WASC accredited and have a full list of UC approved a-g courses. The goal is to begin with the CWEB Class of 2020.
Guidance Department Educational Series
"College Basics 101"Workshop - Education and Career Planning 1A
Did you miss this event in September? This one hour workshop will focus on college information…What courses should you take? How do you begin finding a college? Where do you want to go? Learn all about it! Contact the Guidance Department
College and Career Resources
Looking for resources? Visit the Guidance website at www.cwcharter.org, then High School, then High School Guidance . You will find the High School Catalog, Career Resources, Scholarship and Grant information, Grad Requirements information, and more!!!!
Looking for the right career or college? Try these websites: www.californiacolleges.edu ; www.cacareerzone.org; www.studentaid.ed.gov ; www.bigfuture.collegeboard.org
Where is the best place to look for answers to your high school questions? See the High School Catalog under the High School tab, then Guidance.
Free Online Virtual College Fairs at www.collegeweeklive.com
How can a student earn a 4.25 GPA? Here's an explanation of our "weighted GPA"policy.
Students who take UC Approved Advanced Placement (AP) courses or UC transferable courses (that meet a-g requirements) at Community College will earn "Honors"credit on their GPA. Grades earned in AP courses or UC approved Community College courses will earn 5.00 GPA points for an A, 4.00 GPA points for a B, and a 3.00 GPA points for a C (D's and F's do not qualify for "Honors"credit). Connecting Waters offers AP English Language/Composition and AP English Literature/Composition. UC approved online vendors and AP courses can be found at cwcharter.org, then Departments, then Guidance.
Questions? Contact Guidance at [email protected]
2018-19 Spring SAT and ACT- College Entrance Exam Dates
Test Date
Registration Deadline
Late Registration Deadline
ACT (with optional writing)
Feb. 9
Jan. 11
Jan. 18
SAT or SAT with Essay (No SAT Subjects)
March 9
Feb. 8
Feb. 27
ACT (with optional writing)
April 13
March 8
March 25
SAT or SAT with Essay and Subject Tests
May 4
April 5
April 24
SAT or SAT with Essay and Subject Tests
June 1
May 3
May 22
ACT (with optional writing)
June 8
May 3
May 20
ACT (with optional writing)
July 13
June 14
June 24
ACT Fees - Basic Registration Fee $46 (with optional writing $62.50)
SAT Fees - SAT with writing $64.50, SAT $47.50; SAT Subject Tests are $26 for basic registration plus $22 per subject (Language tests with listening are $26)
NOTE: test dates and fees subject to change
To Register: SAT - www.collegeboard.org ACT - www.actstudent.org
IMPORTANT: Make sure to list your school!
Connecting Waters School Code: 053706
Connecting Waters Charter - East Bay School Code: 050352
Connecting Waters Charter - Central Valley School Code: 053963
NOTE: test results are posted onto high school transcripts
Resources for Studying and Test Prep:
ACT Test prep
The Official SAT Practice Site!