CWCS has chosen to use a writing platform called MY Access!® by Vantage Learning as an optional tool to collect the required quarterly writing benchmarks. The use of this platform is strongly encouraged. There are several benefits to parents, students and ESs to using this system.
MY Access! is a prompt-driven, web-based instructional writing program that scores student responses to prompts/writing tasks nearly instantaneously through advanced artificial intelligence technologies. Through the consistent, time-sensitive scoring of student writing, educators can conduct early diagnosis, deliver writing assignments more frequently which are personalized to a student's needs, and monitor writing performance changes.
Research supports that writing is the one area where we can have the broadest and most immediate impact on student achievement across the entire curriculum. Writing is the one focus that cuts across all subject areas. Writing enhances students' cognitive skills and, as a bonus, affords educators a clear view of what their students are and are not gaining from their instruction.
Completing benchmarks in the MY Access!® writing platform, students can:
- Receive automatic feedback on scoring for the five traits of effective writing (focus and meaning, content and development, organization, language use and style, and mechanics and conventions).
- Learn to use rubrics for self-guided instruction.
- Provide an electronic writing portfolio for students and teachers with holistic and analytic formative assessment information.
Parents and students who choose to optionally use the program for further instruction may do so and will receive the following additional benefits:
- Increase the frequency of their writing.
- Develop a repertoire of prewriting, drafting, organizing and revising strategies.
- Revise their essays and receive new scores for their revisions.
- Be directed to explanations and developmental activities for any of the five traits based upon on the needs shown by their prior work.
- Have access to a Writer's Guide with over 70 developmental activities that help you and your students work hard and work smart to improve their writing in all five traits or domains.
For more information please review Benchmark Writing Prompts
Click here for My Access Technical Requirements